Become a Volunteer

We recognize that volunteers come from all walks of life, cultures, sectors of the economy, and skill sets. With this knowledge, we seek to provide our volunteers with adequate placements, training, support, and encouragement through our Volunteer Program.

Apply to volunteer

Volunteer Opportunities

Promotions Flyer Designer
Drop-In Admin Assistant
Employer Speakers Bureau
Employment & Life Skills Instructors
Volunteer Drivers
Cooking Volunteers and More!
Benefits of Volunteering

Strengthen Relationships

Get to know your neighbours, make friends, and expand your network.

Support Community

Help to build a stronger community and improve services for community members.

Advance your Career

Learn new skills, or exercise existing ones. Or, secure a reference for employment.

Reduce Stress

Benefit from the physical and mental rewards that improve health and reduce stress.

Become part of a team.