At Elmwood Community Resource Centre, you belong.

Nestled along the bank of the Red River, Elmwood is home to some 20,000 people. Focused on the well-being and prosperity of the community, ECRC is a non-profit organization that aims to provide programs and services to community members of all ages and cultures.
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Core values


We believe that all individuals are entitled to opportunities to grow and to contribute to community. As we build networks of support and empowerment in Elmwood, we treat all with whom we work as valued community members.


We recognize our impact on others and the community around us. Every voice is heard and appreciated, and our actions and reactions to people reflect that we hold every individual in high regard.


We embrace our role in helping the Elmwood community to be strong, sustainable, and welcoming of all people. Our organization models the equity, empathy and safety that will make the community a better place to live, work and play for everyone.

Organizational Excellence

Our services and programs are informed by the input of the individuals we serve and by evidence based best practice. Thoughtful stewardship of resources, mutually beneficial partnerships and a positive work ethic contribute to a strong, sustainable and viable community organization. ECRC pursues growth while maintaining the integrity of our existing services and supports.

Our mission

ECRC builds community in Elmwood with resources and supports that make the neighbourhood a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Read Our Story

We love to help!

In response to the needs of the community, ECRC has provided many resources in the community over the last 20 years:
Access to Basic Needs
Community kitchen
Graffiti removal programs
Community garden
And more!

Meet our team and board

We work with some pretty amazing people. Let us introduce you to our hardworking combinations of staff, board, and volunteer members.

Meet our funders and partners

Grateful is only one word to describe the amount of gratitude we feel to those.
4 locations and over 11,000 visitors
Over 200 academic support sessions for children and youth
Over 2,500 individual counselling sessions

Donations allow us to connect and support our community that accesses our services!