Get Involved

We know where impacts need to be made in our community. The first step to change in areas that matter to you is to partner with someone that is working toward the same goals.

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Create Change in the Community

There are so many ways to help!
The heart and soul of our nonprofit is our volunteer base. Earn a reference for employment, build new skills, meet like-minded people, and help to strengthen our community.
Your generous donation of any amount helps to maximize our impact and deepen our connections to individuals in the area. Help to support us!
Together with an extensive network of passionate individuals, ECRC responds to community needs and learning opportunities and addresses community issues with the help of our partners.

Your donation will go toward initiatives in our community

Meet increasing demand from community members to help improve our community resources.
Create programs that give back through community engagement and volunteering.
Provide support and counselling services to families, youth, and children.